Other Transparency Requirements

A. Status of Cases

B. COA Annual Audit Report

Year Date Published Date Received (from COA)
2018 April 2, 2019 March 28, 2019
2017 July 23, 2018 June 27, 2018
2016 April 19, 2017 March 29, 2017
2015 April 21, 2016 March 31, 2016
2014 July 17, 2015 June 30, 2015
2013 April 7, 2015
(Website Migration)
June 25, 2014
2012 July 12, 2013
2011 March 29, 2012 (released)
2010 June 2, 2011
2009 April 15, 2010 (released)
2008 April 20, 2009 (released)

C. Other Reports

      1. Financial
        1.FAR 1: Statement of Appropriations, Allotments, Obligations, Disbursements & Balances
        2019 | 2020
        2. FAR 1-A: Summary of Appropriations, Obligations and Balances
        2020: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR
        2019: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
        3. FAR 1-B: List of Allotments and Sub-Allotments
        2020: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR
        2019: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
        4. FAR 5: Revenue and Other Receipts
        2020: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR
        2019: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4rd QTR
  1. Budget Execution Documents
    1. Corporate Operating Budget
      2011 / 2012 / 2013  / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019
    2. Physical and Financial Plan
      2020 : Physical Plan / Financial Plan
      2019 : Physical Plan / Financial Plan
      2018 : Physical Plan / Financial Plan
      2017 : Physical Plan / Financial Plan
      2016 : Physical Plan / Financial Plan
      2015 : Physical Plan / Financial Plan
      2014 : Physical Plan / Financial Plan
      CY 2013 / CY 2012 / CY 2011
    3. Monthly Cash Program
      2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018
      2019 / 2020
    4. Estimate of Monthly Income
      CY 2019 / CY 2020
      CY 2018 / CY 2017 / CY 2016 / CY 2015
      CY 2014
      / CY 2013 / CY 2012 / CY 2011
    5. List of Not Yet Due and Demandable Obligations
      2019: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2018: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2017: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2016: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2015: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      CY 2014 / CY 2013 / CY 2012 / CY 2011
  2. Budget Accountability Reports
    1. Quarterly Physical Report of Operations
      2020 (New Form): 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2019 (New Form): 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2018 (New Form): 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2017 (New Form): 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2016 (New Form): 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2015 (New Form): 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2014 (New Form): 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2014 (ECC Form)
      CY 2013 / CY 2012 / CY 2011
    2. Quarterly Financial Report of Operations
      2020: 1st QTR
      2019: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2018: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2017: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2016: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2015: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2019 (New Form): 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR
      2018 (New Form): 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2017 (New Form): 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2016 (New Form): 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2015 (New Form): 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2014 (New Form): 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2014 (ECC Form): 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      CY 2013 / CY 2012 / CY 2011
    3. Consolidated Quarterly Report of Actual Income
      2020: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR
      2019: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2018: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2017: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2016: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2015: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      CY 2014 / CY 2013 / CY 2012 / CY 2011
    4. Consolidated Annual Report of Income
      CY 2019 / CY 2018 / CY 2017 / CY 2016 / CY 2015
    5. Monthly Report of Actual Income
      CY 2019 / CY 2020
      CY 2018 / CY 2017 / CY 2016 / CY2015
      CY 2014 / CY2013 / CY 2012 / CY 2011
    6. Statement of Allotment, Obligations and Balances (Fund Utilization)
      CY 2019 / CY 2020
      CY 2018 / CY 2017 / CY 2016 / CY 2015
      CY 2014 / CY 2013 / CY 2012 / CY 2011
    7. Monthly Report of Disbursements
      CY 2019 / CY 2020
      CY 2018 / CY 2017 / CY 2016 / CY 2015
      CY 2014 / CY 2013 / CY 2012 / CY 2011
    8. Summary Report of Disbursement
      2020: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR
      2019: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2018: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2017: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2016: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2015: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2014: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
    9. Detailed Statement of Current Year’s Obligations, Disbursements and Unpaid Obligations
      2018: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2017: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2016: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2015: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2014: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
    10. Summary of Prior Year’s Obligations, Disbursements and Unpaid Prior Years Obligations
      2019: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2018: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2017: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2016: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2015: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
      2014: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
    11. Status of Accounts
      CY 2020 / CY 2019 / CY 2018 / CY 2017 / CY 2016

D. ECC Approved Budgets and Corresponding Targets

E. Major Programs and Projects

  • E. Programs / Project Beneficiaries
  1. Disposition of  EC Appealed Cases
  2. Quick Response Program
    2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020
  3. Rehabilitation Services
    1. List of Beneficiaries of Skills/Entrepreneurial Training
      2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018
      2019 / 2020
    2. List of Beneficiaries of the DOLE-NCR Makati Field Office Kabuhayan Package
      2013 / 2014: 1st Set ; 2nd Set / 2015
    3. List of Beneficiaries of ECC-DOLE SPES
      2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017
    4. List of Beneficiaries of Rehabilitation Appliances/Prosthesis
      2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018
      2019 / 2020
    5. List of Beneficiaries of PT/OT/other Physical Restoration Services
      2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018
      2019 / 2020

F. Status of Implementation and Program/Project Evaluation and/or Assessment Reports

2019: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
2018: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
2017: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
2016: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
2015: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR
2014: 1st QTR / 2nd QTR / 3rd QTR / 4th QTR

G. Annual Procurement Plan, Contracts Awarded, and name of Contractors/ Suppliers/Consultants

  1. Annual Procurement Plan
    2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 /
    2017 (CSE)(NON-CSE) /
    2018 (CSE)(NON-CSE) /
    2019 (CSE)(NON-CSE)
  2. Contracts awarded and the name of contractors/suppliers/consultants
    2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018
  3. Procurement Monitoring Report
  4. Agency Procurement Compliance and Performance Indicator System (APCPI)
    2017 ||

H. System of Ranking

2016 / 2017 / 2018

I. Integrity Development Action Plan