The Employees’ Compensation Program (ECP) under P.D. 626 as amended covers all workers, regardless of the nature of employment, provided an employer-employee relationship is present.   Republic Act 10361 or the Kasambahay Law recognizes the compulsory coverage of household helpers under the Employees’ Compensation Program.  The EC contribution under this program is paid by the employers at the Social Security System (SSS) or at any SSS accredited banks, without any deduction on the wages of employees. The coverage of the “kasambahay†(househelp) under the ECP entitles them to the grant of EC benefits when they   suffer from work-connected injury, sickness or death.
With the enactment of  the Kasambahay Law, household helpers shall be paid a minimum wage varying on particular locations. The law further states, that employer must pay for the SSS, Philhealth and Pag-IBIG contributions of their domestic workers receiving P5, 000.00 or less per month. For those receiving wages in excess of P5, 000.00 per month, the employers may deduct the workers’ share of their membership contributions in these social security agencies.  The EC contribution, however, remain to be purely employer paid.