The Employees Compensation Commission (ECC), through its Regional Extension Unit No. 6, in partnership with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Regional Office No. 6 and Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC), conducted a one-day free seminar on Employees Compensation Program and Occupational Safety & Health to 40 occupational nurses on June 3, 2016 in the Conference Room, DOLE-Region 6, Swan Rose Building, Commission Civil, Jaro, Iloilo City.
The seminar discussed the three components of the Employees’ Compensation Program (ECP)— Prevention, Compensation, and Rehabilitation Services. The discussion on the prevention component was highlighted through a workshop on unsafe and unhealthy acts or conditions which stirred the awareness of the participants on the importance of occupational safety and health.
Discussions on the compensation and rehabilitation services focused on the ECP benefits and services including the employers and employees’ responsibilities under the program.
“It was a great training for all of us. I did not regret attending. It gave us the holistic view of the ECC that implements the ECP as a social protection program of the government while imparting to us the importance of safety and health in our respective offices,†said Ma. Corazon P. Aquino, a nurse from Universal Robina Corporation.
“Our company nurses have a vital role in our workplace especially when our employees meet work-related sickness, injuries or death. The seminar was especially made for them, not only to address their training needs on safety and health, but also for them to know the social protection programs and services that the government provides for the workers,†said ECC Executive Director Stella Zipagan-Banawis.
She further added that, “Through this, our nurses will realize their roles, most especially on the recording of every contingency in the EC logbook as one of the requirements under PD 626, as amendedâ€.
The ECC is mandated by law to implement the EC Program which provides compensation and rehabilitation services to our workers in the event of work-connected contingencies.
End/Stephene S. Barredo, Information Officer II