Disabled seafarer builds his home through the help of ECC

Iloilo City – RollyCondino was an oiler of an international ship when he sustained a spinal cord injury. He filed his Employees’ Compensation (EC) claim and received EC disability benefits amounting to P57,768.32. He used the monetary benefit he received to build his house.
The Employees’ Compensation Commission’s Katulong at GabaysamgaManggagawang may Kapansanan (ECC-KaGabay) Program provided him with free 15 sessions of physical therapy treatment at West Visayas State University Medical Center worth P3,700, transportation allowance and a wheelchair worth P4,000.
“Thank you ECC for giving me a wheelchair. I’ve been wishing to have this right from the start. You are truly a blessing. Because of this wheelchair, it would be easy for me to transfer from one place to another,†said Condino.|
Executive Director Stella Zipagan-Banawis expressed that providing compensation to persons with work-related disabilities (PWRDS) is not enough to help them recover from financial strains brought by work-related contingencies. PWRDs not only lost their jobs but they also lost their confidence because of the work-related disabilities they acquired. Hence, the ECC has initiated the KaGabay Program.
“The KaGabay Program aims to bring back PWRDs to the economic mainstream as competent members of the society. This program provides free rehabilitation services and appliance to PWRDs. It also gives free re-skilling training or entrepreneurship seminars to PWRDs to help them start anew,†Banawis explained.
Banawis, however, encourages employers and employees to practice good occupational safety and health by complying with Occupational Safety Health standards to ensure a healthy and safe work environment for employees. On the other hand, employees should also take reasonable care of their own health and safety.
“I would like to emphasize that prevention is better than compensation and rehabilitation. The ECC provides benefits for work-related incidents but good practices in OSH provide a better and healthier community,†explained Banawis.
PWRDs from NorMin received EC benefits with the help of ECC regional extension unit
Two persons with work-related disability (PWRD) from Northern Mindanao has already received their benefits under the Employees Compensation Program (ECP) through the assistance of the Employees’ Compensation Commission (ECC) Regional Extension Unit No. 10 (ECC-REU 10).
Redillo Barros has been working as a Grinder Operator for Mechatrends Contractors Corporation for 17 years when a fire razed his workplace resulting to burns to his arms and legs. He was not able to go back to work since his burns made it difficult for him to move properly.
A year after the incident, Barros sought the assistance of Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Regional Office No. 10 on his condition. Since his injuries resulted from a work-related accident, he was advised to file EC claim at the nearest Social Security System (SSS) branch.
However, since his employer is based in Kawit, Cavite, he had a hard time requesting for documents necessary for his claims to be processed.
But through the help of ECC-REU 10 who helped him in filing of his EC claims, Barros finally received his EC temporary total disability (TTD) benefit amounting to P11,850 last April 2014.
ECC’s assistance to Barros did not stop with the approval of his TTD benefit. He also qualified to become a beneficiary of the Katulong at GabayngManggagawang May Kapansanan, or the KaGabay Program. Under the said program, he was able to finish a swine raising course in Xavier University-Agriculture Department. He also received a starter kit, as a part of the program, which includes two piglets worth P3,000 each and two sacks of feeds worth P2,940 each.
Barros was grateful for the support and assistance he received from ECC.
Meanwhile, the intense information dissemination on the ECP led to the granting of EC survivorship pension to the widow of a uniformed personnel.
Justino and Irene Sobretodo are husband and wife working for the Philippine National Police in in Region 10. Justino is an Intelligence Officer while Irene is an Administrative Aide.
On October 2014, Justino succumbed to his death due to cardiac arrest.
On May 2015, ECC-REU 10 conducted an ECP lecture at the Camiguin Provincial Police Office where Irene was one of the participants. Although she learned from the lecture that uniformed personnel are covered under the ECP, she was a bit hesitant to file for EC claims since PNP members are no longer covered under the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS).
With the help of ECC-REU 10 staff, Irene filed for EC death benefits claim at the GSIS in Cagayan de Oro. On September 2015, she received the EC funeral benefit. However, instead of receiving P20,000, she only received P3,000.
She brought this to the attention of ECC-REU 10 staff, who acted immediately by providing the GSIS-CDO branch with a copy of Executive Order No. 167, Series of 2014 increasing the amount of certain employment compensation benefits for employees in the private and public sectors, including the EC funeral benefits.
The GSIS, in turn, processed the EC funeral claim in accordance with the provision of Executive Order No. 167.
Within a month, Irene received the remaining P17,000 worth of EC funeral benefits from the GSIS. As of this time, her claim for EC death benefits are already filed and being processed.
Stretching the arms of social protection
Pursuant to Labor and Employment Secretary Rosalinda Dimapilis-Baldoz’s directive to extend the reach of social protection programs to reach the far-flung areas of the country and make it available to workers in different regions, the Employees Compensation Commission (ECC) has opened regional extensions units (REU) in different regions of the country.
“There are two personnel in each ECC-REUs who will work closely with the DOLE Regional Offices where they are assigned. Their main tasks are to strengthen the EC Program information dissemination through lectures and seminars, attend to EC concerns of the region, provide assistance to claimants of EC cases, introduce and facilitate the KaGabay Program, and serve as ECC Quick Response Team that will visit sites where work-related contingency occurred,†ECC Executive Director Stella Zipagan-Banawis said.
ECC establishes ODWAPI chapter in Iloilo City
Iloilo City – The Employees’ Compensation Commission (ECC) and the Occupationally-Disabled Workers Association of the Philippines Incorporated (ODWAPI) recently assembled persons with work-related disabilities (PWRDs) and organized its local chapter in Iloilo City.
The assembly was facilitated by ECC Regional staff and ODWAPI National President Lorenzo C. Dura.
Dura presented an overview of the ODWAPI and its importance in the thrust of the ECC which is to promote and protect PWRDs.
An election of officers for Iloilo Chapter was also held that day. The elected officers are Noli Fernandez, Jose Benito Gepilga, JoeniferLlait, Ramon Monserina and RicahrdLoriega for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Public Relations Officer, respectively. They pledged to uphold the objectives of the association, promote the welfare of its members and support the EC Program for the benefit of the Filipino workers.
ODWAPI is a Security and Exchange Commission registered organization of PWRDs who received benefits from the ECC’s Katulong at GabaysamgaManggagawang may Kapansanan (KaGabay) Program. It empowers PWRDs by encouraging them to make the most of the benefits received from the EC Program and inspiring them to become self-reliant.
Executive Director Stella Zipagan-Banawis explained that ODWAPI represents resiliency of our PWRDs who experienced and overcame challenges on their lives.