This was how Yvette C. Bonavente, Information Officer II of the ECC Regional Extension Unit 5, felt upon arriving in Makati last Monday to attend a workshop on news writing, organized and facilitated by the Lilac Center for Public Interest, a policy research, advocacy, and communication organization headed by former DOLE Undersecretary Nicon F. Fameronag.
The training was a follow-through of the writing workshop held in September last year, facilitated also by the Lilac Center for ECC’s information officers. The focus of the workshop was to know how to effectively write a news lead using the inverted pyramid framework for newswriting and an in-depth discussion on how to capitalize on social media platforms when it comes to writing news.
“News writing is part of our tasks as information officers. It is important for us to be continually updated with the methods and techniques of the trade. The workshop is a capability-building activity for all our information officers as it will improve their skills in developing leads for their news releases,†said Cecile E. Maulion, Chief of the Information and Public Assistance Division of the Employees Compensation Commission.
Part of ECC’s efforts to continuously increase public awareness about the Employees’ Compensation Program is to regularly conduct capability-building training and workshop to ensure that all its employees are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge the work requires.
“We, at ECC, including our Regional Extension Units across the country are constantly looking for ways to expand, enhance, and equalize our programs. The news writing workshop is one of the results of our desire to fully equip our regional personnel with the needed skills and knowledge for us to achieve our goal of serving the Filipino workers with utmost excellence and proficiency,†ECC Executive Director Stella Zipagan-Banawis explained.
End. /Michelle Basal