The onslaught of COVID – 19 pandemic has exposed everyone’s vulnerabilities. Government agencies are not spared, but government agencies must meet these challenges head on.

Along this line, the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board (RTWPB) Caraga invited the ECC-REU13  to join in the conduct of a series of seminars on: (1) Work Life Balance: Productive Work from Home; (2) Guide to Starting & Growing Your Online Business; (3) LEANer Management in the New Normal, and Employees Compensation Program (ECP) on September 9-10, 2020

Keeping abreast with the new normal, all seminar participants, were made to observe the minimum health and safety standards which included, among others, wearing of face mask and face shield and keeping with the physical distancing protocol. Participants were provided by RTWPB Caraga with a ballpen and a bottle of alcohol. The said seminar was also attended by some online participants via Zoom.

Sandee Mocorro, ECC REU 13 Information Officer ll, highlighted that the EC benefits are over and above the benefits that an employee may avail from the Social Security System (SSS), in the event of work-related contingencies.

The series of seminars were purposely designed to help management and labor go through this challenging times and come out prepared for a post COVID-19 pandemic.

Employees’ Compensation Commission Executive Director Stella Zipagan-Banawis said, “We thank the RTWPB Caraga for organizing and inviting ECC to be part of this activity. We look forward to more future collaborative efforts.”

“Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the ECC is even more committed to pursue and see its mandate done with vigor to inform all Filipino workers in the public and private sector about the benefits and services available to workers who met work-related contingencies,” Director Banawis added.


S. Mocorro – REU 13