Ditching the traditional training set ups, ECC had its Information Officers explore the busy streets of Makati to dig into the basics of Phonetography.
Phonetography or mobile photography is one of the emerging concepts in photography which allows individuals to maximize the use of mobile phone cameras in capturing and captioning moments and other content for social media, journalism and other forms of public relations.
After a short coaching session with Bernardo Arellano, a mobile photography hobbyist and mapper with extensive training on geographical theories, technologies and cultural heritage, the information officers were allowed to scour the nooks and crannies of Makati to explore several materials and inspiration for mobile photography.
Armed with the tips and tricks of mobile photography and a penchant for human interests, the information officers excitedly took out their smart phones and captured thematic pictures around the city. Afterwards, they presented a collective output which was evaluated by Arellano.
“Part of the strategic framework of the Employees’ Compensation Commission is to capitalize our regional extension unit officers in using technology like their handphones. Being at the grassroots, we have to augment and expand the competencies of our REUs and phonetography is one of the newer concepts we had to delve into so that our personnel can be as flexible and cost-effective as possible while, at the same time, deliver catchy and inspiring content for our press releases,” ECC Executive Director Stella Zipagan-Banawis said.
“We have young blood in the frontlines of ECC and we have to cope up with the times. By banking on these competencies, we can make the most out of the opportunities presented to us by these advancements in technology,” she added.