Recognizing the need to better prepare students for the world of work, the Employees Compensation Commission in Eastern Visayas joined the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) in the conduct of the Labor Education to Graduating Students (LEGS) Program which aims to educate future job-seekers about labor standards and occupational safety and health.
From February to March, 2017, a total of 1,023 graduating students were made aware of their benefits under the Employees’ Compensation Program from the following state universities and colleges; Eastern Visayas State University Campus- Main Campus, Saint Paul School of Professionals, Saint Therese Educational Foundation Incorporated, Eastern Visayas State University-Carigara Campus, Saint Scholastica’s College of Tacloban, the Southern Leyte State University-Tomos Oppus Campus and the Southern Leyte State University- San Juan Campus.
During the discussion, the graduating students learned that under Presidential Decree No. 626 or the Employees’ Compensation Program and the State Insurance Fund, every employee shall be registered to the GSIS or the SSS by the employer within one month or thirty (30) days from the date of employment. If the sickness, disability, or death occurs after the prescribed period of registration, the employer shall be liable to the GSIS or the SSS for the lump sum equivalent to the benefits which the employee or his dependents may be entitled to. No EC Claim of any employee shall be rejected on the basis of the absence of GSIS or SSS registration or EC Contribution alone.
“We sincerely appreciate ECC’s commitment in preparing our would-be-graduates for the world of work. As guidance counselors, we understand that the students will be facing a bigger playing field outside the four corners of their classrooms. As much as possible, we have to equip them with the best knowledge and skills as they face a different journey beyond the walls of their respective school. We are thankful that ECC has actively supported us in this endeavorâ€, Thesa Herbolingo, Guidance Counsellor of Eastern Visayas State University Main Campus.
Michelle Basal, ECC-REU 8 Information Officer