The Employees’ Compensation Commission (ECC) recently announced that there will be no increase in the Employees’ Compensation (EC) contribution amidst the increase in the contribution rates of the covered members of the Social Security System effective 1 April 2019.
ECC Executive Director Stella Zipagan-Banawis said that the EC contribution, which is paid by the employers for his or her employees, remains at P10 for employees whose monthly salary credit (MSC) is below P14,500 and P30 for workers whose MSC is P15,000 and above.
The said rates apply to the employees in the private sector.
Meanwhile, public sector employers remit a monthly EC premium contribution of P100 per employee to the Government Service Insurance System, for their EC covered employees.
The EC Program is a social insurance program designed to provide employees and/or their beneficiaries with benefits and services in the event of work-related sickness, injuries, or death.