EC beneficiaries received 400K worth of livelihood assistance from DOLE Region 3

CITY OF SAN FERNANDO, PAMPANGA – Twenty persons with work-related disabilities (PWRDs) recently received a total of 400,000 worth of livelihood assistance from the Department of Labor and Employment Region 3, through the assistance of the Employees’ Compensation Commission (ECC)-Regional Extension Unit No.3.

Each PWRD received starter kits in the form of tools and raw materials worth twenty thousand pesos.

To ensure the proper management of their chosen businesses, all beneficiaries have undergone a livelihood training on “Putting up and Managing a Small Business” last September 16, 2017

The training was facilitated by Emil Paolo Galang, Senior Trade and Industry Development Specialist of the Department of Trade and Industry-Pampanga. He discussed the legal requirements in putting up a business and shared different stories of successful businessmen and their strategies in managing their businesses.

After the training, the ECC-REU III officers accompanied the PWRDs in Pampanga, Bulacan and Tarlac in purchasing the starter kits for their chosen businesses.

“We hope they succeed in their businesses and they continue to live a happy life despite the disability they acquired from their work. A big thanks also to DOLE Region 3 headed by Regional Director Atty. Ana Dione for granting our request”, said Coco Chanel Garcia, Regional Officer of ECC REU 3.

On the other hand, ECC Executive Director Stella Zipagan-Banawis said that the Commission will always be ready to assist workers with work-related disabilities. However, she reminded everyone to always observe health and safety at the workplace.


Alvin Garcia, REU-3, Information Officer II

Iliganons avail of free physical therapy through ECC’s KaGabay Program

With the recent renewal of the Memorandum of Agreement between the Employees’ Compensation Commission (ECC) and Mercy Community Hospital, two ECC beneficiaries in Iligan City are now undergoing free physical therapy through the Katulong at Gabay sa Manggagawang may Kapansanan, or KaGabay Program of the ECC.

The first beneficiary is a factory worker in Calamba, LAguna who had a work-related spine injury, last March 2017, he was in an elevator which suddenly malfucntioned causing him to fall from fourth floor of the building.

The second beneficiary is a former seaman who had a left knee injury due to a fall while he was still onbaord a ship.

Both recipients have undergone consultation and evalutaion by a rehabilitation specialist from Mercy Community Hospital. They were prescribed to undergo therapy sessions and medications to improve their current physical condition.

The KaGabay Program of ECC is a special economic assistance program for persons with Work-Related Disabilities (PWRDs) by providing free services of training such as Physical Resotration, Skills Training and Entrepreneurship Training.



Stella Mae Obice, REU-10 Information Officer II