A security was awarded additional benefits in the form of reimbursement for medical expenses incurred for his heart ailment. Although the medical expenses were paid by the employer, the Employees’ Compensation Commission (ECC) ruled that the employee is entitled to receive reimbursement upon submission of official receipts.
Eduardo Dacquiz, security guard at the Central Bank of the Philippines, was diagnosed with Coronary Artery Disease/Unstable Angina. His ailment was evaluated by the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) as work-connected. Consequently, he was granted Temporary Total Disability (TTD) benefit for sixty days.
However, the GSIS denied Dacquiz’s claim for reimbursement of medical expenses. Apparently, the expenses for his confinement at Philippine Heart Center from July 27, 1999 to August 8, 1999 were paid for by his employer.
In its decision, the ECC ruled that Article 175 of P.D. No. 626, as amended, states that “no contract, regulation or device whatsoever shall operate to deprive the employee or his dependents of any part of the income benefits, and medical or related services granted under this Title.†Further, the payment made by the employer of the medical expenses incurred for the treatment of Dacquiz’s illness form part of his remuneration.
The Employees’ Compensation Law (P.D. No. 626, as amended) is a social legislation designed to give relief to employees in case of injury or illness.