Development and Review of Policies on the Employees’ Compensation Program (ECP).
This entails development and review of policies and procedures for the improvement of the ECP such as increase of benefits and/or expands the coverage of the ECP.
Rehabilitation of the Persons with Work-Related Disability (PWRDs) Program
The main objective is to facilitate the integration of PWRDs into the economic mainstream of society through the following programs and projects:
- ECC-Quick Response to PWRDs
- KaGabay Project
- Physical Restoration of PWRDs
- Job Placement Facilitation
- Prevention Program in the Workplace
ECP Information Dissemination Services
This program is designed to increase public awareness on the Employees Compensation Program (ECP). The projects under this program are:
- Development/Updating/Reproduction of IEC Materials
- Intensification of Information Dissemination on the ECP through Quad-Media
- Intensification of Information Dissemination on the ECP through Seminars, Training and One-on-One Services
This involves the evaluation and adjudication of all EC claims elevated to the Commission after denial by the System. A system of monitoring/tracking every action taken on the case has been installed to ensure prompt disposition of appealed EC claims. Among noteworthy projects to promptly and judiciously evaluate EC appealed claims and to ensure that EC claimants are served promptly, efficiently and effectively in this regard are the following:
- Evaluation and Disposition of EC Appealed Claims through a Technical Review Committee
- Consultations with the Systems
- Monitoring mechanism for the process cycle time